We want to include you in our design process! By pre-ordering your favorite styles through our crowdfunding campaigns, you're casting your vote for the styles you love most.

One of our favorite quotes is "The best sunscreen is the one you use."  

We couldn't agree more. By listening and working with you, we can create the first design collective around sun protective clothing. The group effort by us all will ensure that we are working together to create the best sun protective designs that we all want to wear.


The larger crowdfunding platforms make their money off of administrative fees, which are usually a % of sales through their platform. While these larger crowdfunding platforms might have their name behind them, the team here at SUMMERSKIN would rather take those administrative fees and put them to good use.

We are passionate about quality and value. By putting our Design Lab up on our own website, we can eliminate fees paid to outside sources, and pass the savings to you, and our charity partners!

Learn more about one of our favorite organizations, the American Academy of Dermatology, and their incredible Shade Structure Program!